Motorola Droid - Volume way too low

I’m not sure how I did it, but I’ve had my Droid for a few hours under a week - the phone’s uptime is about 187 hours - and I’ve already got a major problem. Sometime this weekend, somehow, the volume for everything got set way too low …

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Weekend of Code (Android)

The Droid is here (literally, sitting in my pocket), and I have the next two days off of work - plus the weekend. Minus personal commitments, that’s about two full (call it 16 hour) days to get some work done. While I have lots of things that could use my …

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I don’t like writing posts with a low useful content quotient, but here goes.

After having only one new (i.e. not used) phone in eight years - and the one new one was a Treo 700p, obsolete when I bought it - I decided to bite the bullet. I bought …

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First big Android … fisaco

Well, I wanted to call this a $#!\^storm, but I don’t think it’s grown to those proportions yet. But any new platform will have its hiccups, and Google is relatively new to the OS world.

So, here’s the news. Google issued a legal Cease and Desist order …

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It’s been a long month and a half or so. A bunch of new projects at work (and interviewing for a full-time position) and lots of school stuff, all on top of having my truck stolen, dealing with insurance and the police, and then recovering it, and dealing with …

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