DHCP Debugging and Handy TCPdump filters

Recently at $WORK we’ve been having some strange issues with a particular Xen VM not getting DHCP. Traditional (tail -f dhcpd.log) debugging hasn’t turned up much, other than the server is getting the DISCOVER but not sending out an OFFER. I’ve turned to packet captures to …

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Syslog from KickStart / Anaconda


Yesterday I was installing a new machine at $WORK, and we’d been having some spotty problems with Anaconda not being able to find RPMs in a specific repository. As a result, I was standing in the machine room at a cart-mounted console, watching the output of the installation. Just …

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Big Changes to JasonAntman.com

Well, I finally broke down and ordered Optimum Business. Come tomorrow, I’ll be moving from Verizon FiOS residential with a dynamic IP, much blocked (hence jantman.dyndns.org:10011) and 10Mbps down/2Mbps up to Optimum Business with 30 down/5 up, a block of 5 static IPs, and …

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