Well I know I haven’t updated in a while. I have a whole bunch of links that I’d like to comment on, but things have been horribly busy. You can find the links in my “1-toblog” folder on del.icio.us (prefixed with “1-” so it shows up at the beginning of my bookmark menu).

In monitoring land, I’ve paused my Hyperic HQ VM as I wasn’t too pleased with how the features panned out. I was invited to beta test Groundwork Open Source 5.2b, but I’m not crazy about the open-ness of a non-public Beta, and am honestly not that intrigued by the small feature set (though, admittedly, they do need more documentation on the F/OSS version). I’d still like to try them all, especially Zenoss Core, but I’m pretty busy with class, and things are heating up at work and with a few consulting projects.

In my “spare time” (read: staying up until 5 AM and somehow still getting up for work at 9) I’ve been working on something that’s been bugging me for a while - getting Nagios to automatically open and update tickets in Eventum, the ticketing system that I (and MySQL) use. The general idea is to use a “glue” script, written in PHP (Eventum’s native language). It will (hopefully) keep track of which hosts/services it has opened tickets for (and what the ticket ID is), and decide from that whether to open a new ticket or, if one already exists for that host/service, update it. It should also handle changes to assigned user/group, update categories, priorities, etc. This will all be based on a DB table that maps problem severities and hosts/services to the users, groups, categories, and priorities that they should be assigned.

The biggest problem is that I’m not a whiz at object-oriented PHP, and like any good OO program, Eventum is broken down into dozens of objects, classes, and files. With the help of the Xdebug debugging extension for PHP, which prints full debugging output including stack and function call traces, I’ve been able to *finally* - after about four hours of work - write a simple little 15-line script that uses ONLY existing Eventum classes, unmodified (except for a separate init.php with some stuff commented out), which gets a list of users assigned to an issue. From here, it shouldn’t be difficult to get full issue information and then, hopefully, add and update issues.

I have a basic description of the project on my wiki, and the current (development, so could be broken) source code in CVS, which can be seen through ViewVC on my site.

Stay Tuned!


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