
I don’t like writing posts with a low useful content quotient, but here goes.

After having only one new (i.e. not used) phone in eight years - and the one new one was a Treo 700p, obsolete when I bought it - I decided to bite the bullet. I bought …

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Nagios and check plugins run as root

Date Tags Nagios

No matter how much we may not like it, and no matter how insecure it can potentially be, we occasionally have to run Nagios check scripts (written in scripting languages) as root. (On a side note, this method is also used for my MultiBindAdmin project’s DNS file push). Here …

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Nagios check_by_ssh and NAT

At a remote location, I have a number of machines to monitor but only one IP (dynamic on a residential connection). Most of my remote monitoring with Nagios uses check_by_ssh. Previously, I’d used one host for Nagios to SSH to, and then chained together another check_by_ssh to reach the …

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First big Android … fisaco

Well, I wanted to call this a $#!\^storm, but I don’t think it’s grown to those proportions yet. But any new platform will have its hiccups, and Google is relatively new to the OS world.

So, here’s the news. Google issued a legal Cease and Desist order …

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DNS Move

Yesterday I finally began moving DNS for my sites from GoDaddy to my own in-house system of master/slave BIND9. While both DNS servers are currently at the same location and on the same WAN connection (heck, they’re beind the same router, too), so is all of the rest …

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