Piracy and options


Well, the semester is starting to heat up, and I have a bunch of personal stuff I haven’t posted yet. But I’ll get to it this weekend.

In the mean time, I feel the need to comment on an article I read online, in Conde Nast Portfolio. It …

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Sun and MySQL

Date Tags mysql / sun

I’ve got a lot to update about in the next few days. I’m back in my apartment for the new semester of school, I’ve got a lot of infrastructure work to do here (most importantly getting net-to-net VPN with DynDNS at both ends working from here to …

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Testing blog via email on my Treo


Well, I’ll admit there’s no real reason to this post. I just setup blogging via email, and wanted to test it out from my Treo. Assuming all goes well, it will show up… And then promptly be deleted.

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Tech - Updates

First of all, until I decide on either splitting my blog, or setting up separate ‘channels’ for personal and technical stuff, I’ll annotate the difference in post titles.

So I have a few days of sanity - the last week of classes - before exam time. Hopefully I’ll wrap some …

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