
Almost all of my work for the past two and a half years has revolved around Amazon Web Services, but my personal AWS account (mostly a single tiny t2.micro instance that handles a tiny amount of HTTP traffic and some cron jobs) has languished. Recently I’ve undertaken a project to modernize it, moving from an EC2 instance using an AMI baked by Packer and some custom Ruby code to manage it, to a barebones instance acting as an Elastic Container Service (ECS) Docker host, and all of my applications running in containers. This makes for much easier testing and deployment, and is a lot lower effort than baking and testing a new AMI every time I want to change an nginx config file (yes, everything is immutable).

I’ve got most of the basic work done and every resource in the account imported into terraform, containers created and tested to replace what my old EC2 instance is doing, and terraform management of the ECS tasks and services too. So, I decided that I’d better setup some monitoring of all this before I forget about it. I try my best to keep my account in the free tier for AWS; my bills have usually been about $15 USD/month in the past (mostly the t2.micro instance and Route53) and I’m expecting to go up to about $20/month with the new infrastructure.

I’ve gotten some basic monitoring in place - 7 CloudWatch Alarms for the important things, and a Lambda function running every 30 minutes that does some more complicated and non-metric checks (and sends to the same SNS topic as the alarms if it finds a problem). However, I realized how spoiled I’ve been at my day job, where a lot of our AWS monitoring infrastructure relies on Datadog and PagerDuty (both of which I love not only for their functionality but also for their APIs). While the new CloudWatch Dashboards feature is pretty cool for a tiny infrastructure with no other monitoring tools (and they can finally be managed via API), CloudWatch still had two big pain points for me (aside from cost past the free tier):

  1. There’s no option for re-notification from Alarms; if you set an SNS Topic target for a CloudWatch Metric Alarm, the notification is sent once when the Alarm changes state. And that’s it.
  2. The notification messages are horribly plain.

To solve the first problem, I just have my custom monitoring Lambda function also check for any CloudWatch Alarms in a non-OK state for longer than 30 minutes (how often the function runs) and re-notify for them. The second solution is a bit more involved…

The Problem

The Lambda function that I put in place to do some monitoring sends alerts to a SNS Topic that delivers them to my phone via SMS and to my personal email account. While I’ve made use of the ability to send different messages per protocol to send a short notification to SMS and a longer email, I still really miss the rich context of notifications from real monitoring systems that include graph images and other useful information. This becomes an even bigger inconvenience since I’m rarely logged in to the AWS Console for my personal account, and doing so involves a dance with several long passwords and MFA tokens.

So, I wanted a way to be able to receive an SNS monitoring notification and actually see the metric graphs or events that generated it, rather than getting a plaintext (yeah, the Simple Notification Service is clearly designed for SMS and mobile push, and can’t even send HTML email) description of the triggered alarm. My first thought had been a Lambda function triggered by the SNS topic, that would identify the alarm(s) in question, render a graph of them, and then send that in a HTML email via SES. But that seemed like much more work than I was interested in; all I really needed to make this workable was a way to quickly view alarms, metrics and events in CloudWatch.


Disclaimer: This is a bit of a kludge. It was designed for a tiny personal account with one human user, no monitoring other than CloudWatch, and for minimal cost.

For integration with non-SAML identity providers (“custom federation brokers”), AWS IAM provides a way to create a URL that enables federated users to access the AWS Console. In short, an IAM user with the required permissions can call AssumeRole to generate temporary credentials for a specified IAM Role, and then pass those credentials in a HTTP request to and get back a temporary SigninToken granting access to the AWS Console with the assumed role. This token can be used to construct a single URL that signs in to the Console under the assumed role and brings the user to a specified destination URL in the AWS Console.

The one catch to this process (documented on the link above) is the user that makes the AssumeRole API call must have long-term credentials (i.e. a real IAM User). The call to the /federation endpoint will fail if AssumeRole was called by another assumed role’s temporary credentials, such as a Lambda function or Instance Profile. That tripped me up at first, but I ended up figuring out a workable solution.

  1. Create a new IAM Role for read-only cloudwatch access and attach the AWS-managed CloudWatch Read Only policy to it (arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/CloudWatchReadOnlyAccess). This is the role that our pre-authorized (federated) console login will use.
  2. Create a new IAM User that we’ll use to make the AssumeRole call from our Lambda function. This user should have a policy with only one permission: calling sts:AssumeRole on the IAM Role we created in the previous step.
  3. Deploy our Lambda function, and pass the Access Key ID and Secret Access Key to it as environment variables. This is terrifyingly insecure (see note below), but little risk read-only credentials and an account that only has one other user.
  4. Add code to our Lambda function to call AssumeRole for the cloudwatch read-only role, and then create the federated login URL for the Console. For this part, I found a really helpful gist with the Python/boto3 implementation already done. For the Destination parameter on the signin URL, I specified the full URL to the relevant CloudWatch Dashboard with my metrics.
  5. Embed this URL in your SNS notification text. Most email clients should auto-link the URL, so you’ll end up with an email notification that’s still plaintext, but includes a clickable link for a read-only CloudWatch view with no additional authentication required. This provides a much quicker “ok, what does this problem look like?” workflow.

Longer note on security: This isn’t terribly secure. I wouldn’t implement anything like this at my day job. But I’m the only user that has access to both my AWS account and my email. If someone gets access to my email, the fact that they can also view my CloudWatch metrics is likely the least of my worries. Similarly, putting actual IAM User credentials in Lambda environment variables is horribly, painfully, terrifyingly insecure. But the credentials are read-only and only for CloudWatch, and in order to them, someone would need to have access to one of my Users in the account, all of which are much more privileged. So, I decided that it’s an acceptably small risk. I also wouldn’t be handing out pre-signed URLs, even with a very limited read-only role, in a multi-user context. But once again, for a single-user low-value account, it’s a workable solution.

Short note on cost: If I were setting up even a similarly minuscule infrastructure for any organization that relied on it, I’d certainly invest in real monitoring solutions. Datadog’s pricing isn’t bad at all, with a $15 USD per month per host plan (their free plan has 1-day data retention, so it’s really just a demo) and PagerDuty starts at $9 USD/user/month. But the combination of those two is more than my entire monthly infrastructure bill right now, so… not really worth it for me.

Next Steps

If I get around to it, I’d like to stop sending email and SNS notifications directly from CloudWatch alarms, and instead pass them through a Lambda function first. This would provide a means to include the pre-authorized Dashboard URL described above, as well as some additional context (such as the last N metrics for the alarm and the alarm history).

Ideally, though this is quite a bit more work, I’d figure out a simple way of rendering a graph of the CloudWatch metric in question, and move email notifications from SNS to SES, sending HTML emails with a bit more detail and some useful graphs. Another option would be to continue with SNS, but (assuming I consider my email to be relatively secure and my notifications to be not-too-sensitive, both of which are true) generate graphs and decently-useful HTML pages for each alert, upload them (at pseudo-random paths, for some level of security from casual onlookers) to a public S3 bucket with website access enabled, and include that URL in the SNS notification.


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