A few weeks ago, I posted about how I’ve started using Trello to keep track of my work and keep things flowing smoothly. It’s been absolutely wonderful, and I feel more productive and less stressed, and like I have a better idea of what’s coming up. The one thing that Trello is missing is time tracking. I don’t need anything fancy, all I really wanted was to be able to show a time estimate on my cards. I know I could’ve just put the estimate right in the title of the cards, but that seemed like a waste of data.

At the moment we’re using Jira at work, so I wrote jira2trello.py. It’s a pretty simple Python script that uses the trello and jira packages from pypi to iterate over all cards on a specified Trello board, and for each card that matches a configurable regular expression for ticket keys (i.e. .*((project1|project2|project3)-\d+):.*), the script will:

  1. Determine if the Jira issue is a subtask, and if so, prefix its title with the issue key of the parent issue, using the format of PARENT-xxx -> CHILD-xxx.
  2. Look up the “Original Estimate” time tracking field in Jira, and if present, prepend it to the title of the card.
  3. Regenerate the title of the card, using the current issue summary from Jira.
  4. Move the card to a specified “Done” list if it’s closed in Jira.

There are a few assumptions in the script about how the titles of cards are formed, namely that they follow the ISSUE-xxx: Summary Here format used by my TrelloContextMenu Firefox userscript. But I hope that this might be of use to someone else as well. Please feel free to open issues or submit pull requests for any improvements that would be helpful, including any assumptions I’ve made that aren’t valid in your environment. The source can be found on GitHub: jira2trello.py.


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