I’ve been using GNU Screen for a very long time; I pretty much do all of my daily work in it. I have long-lived screen sessions pretty much everywhere; at any given time, I’ve got a session running on my desktop (that probably has 19 windows open and active) and a few on various remote hosts. I also have a really bad habit of using screen windows to hold work in progress, things that I need to revisit, and what I want to do next. This isn’t as big of a deal on boxes in a datacenter that rarely go down, but my home desktop ends up getting rebooted every few weeks (and not always at planned times).

Warning - what I’m about to describe is, really, a fragile and somewhat ugly hack. I’m pretty sure that if I took the time to learn and switch to zsh (or another, more modern shell) and tmux, I could probably do this easier. But my shell environment is something I’m pretty stuck in. So, if this is useful to anyone else, cool. But caveat emptor.

screen 4.2.0 introduced some extensions to the -Q remote querying capabilities, including the ability to retrieve a list of current windows and their titles via screen -Q windows. A few months ago, I wrapped a python script around this that reads the currently open windows along with their title and window number, and writes out ~/.screenrc.save that’s ~/.screenrc with screen -t lines to recreate my currently open windows with their titles. After a system crash or reboot, I could screen -c ~/.screenrc.save and get all of my windows and their titles back. So, that’s a slightly better reminder of what I was working on assuming I keep my titles relevant. But each window just dumped me into ~/ like usual, so I’d just have the window title to remind me what I was working on.

I ran this script for a few months; you can see the original version here. However, this still really isn’t what I’d call “session restore”. I had window titles as “hints” to what I was doing, but everything else was left to my memory.

Enter some awful bashrc hackery. Please note that my bashrc is a bit complicated, mainly due to git completion and getting a proper prompt for python virtualenvs, but here’s the magic portion:

# git prompt - make it work everywhere
if [[ -e /usr/share/git/completion/git-prompt.sh ]]
    source /usr/share/git/completion/git-prompt.sh
elif [[ -e /usr/share/git-core/contrib/completion/git-prompt.sh ]]
    source /usr/share/git-core/contrib/completion/git-prompt.sh
elif [[ -e ~/bin/git-prompt.sh ]]
    source ~/bin/git-prompt.sh

#set the PROMPT
cur_tty=$(temp=$(tty) ; echo ${temp:5});
# git prompt configutation

# for screen session-saving hack, set per-window history file if in screen
[[ -n "$STY" && -n "$WINDOW" ]] && export HISTFILE=$(readlink -f ~/.screenhist/$WINDOW)
shopt -s histappend

# make sure our screen session-saving hack directories exist
[[ -d ~/.screenhist ]] || mkdir ~/.screenhist
[[ -d ~/.screendirs ]] || mkdir ~/.screendirs

__wrap_git_ps1 ()
    # commands here now get executed every time bash constructs a prompt
    # for screen pwd saving
    if [[ -n "$STY" && -n "$WINDOW" ]]
        SCREENLINKDIR=$(readlink -f ~/.screendirs)
        ln -sf $(pwd)/ $SCREENLINKDIR/$WINDOW
    # virtualenv stuff for prompt
    [[ $VIRTUAL_ENV != "" ]] && venv="\[\033[31m\](${VIRTUAL_ENV##*/})\e[0m"
    __git_ps1 "$venv\u@\h:$cur_tty:\w" "\\\$ "
    history -a
export PS2="> "

So… the hack. First we source the git prompt scripts that come with git (trying the locations they should be at on all of the machines I commonly use, and if it can’t find any of them, falling back to a copy in my homedir) and set some configuration variables for them (as well as capturing the current tty). We then (conditionally on being inside a screen window) set our history file to a per-screen-window path, and have history append. At this point we also make sure some directories we’ll use exist.

Now the real fun. PROMPT_COMMAND specifies a function for bash to execute to build the prompt string; this is called every time bash needs to display the prompt (so, effectively, every time a command completes in the shell). We set it to __wrap_git_ps1, a function we just defined. The magic happens in this function. Screen sets some environment variables inside each window, including STY (the name of the screen session you’re in) and WINDOW, the current window number. If both of these are set, we symlink our current pwd to ~/.screendirs/$WINDOW (note some hackery, explicitly removing the link if it already exists, to get this to work correctly). We then throw in some python virtualenv-specific prompt settings, and pass on the strings we’ve constructed to __git_ps1 which adds the git-specific information, and then sets PS1 correctly. Finally, we explicitly append to current history, to make sure the history on disk is always accurate and up-to-date.

This works in combination with the latest version of savescreen.py, which has some minor changes. The line to create each window, formerly:

fh.write("screen -t \"{name}\" {num}\n".format(name=windows[n], num=n))


fh.write("screen -t \"{name}\" {num} sh -c \"cd $(readlink -fn {dirpath}/{num}); bash\"\n".format(name=windows[n], num=n, dirpath=dirpath))

When each window is created at startup, we cd into the previous pwd (the path that the ~/.screendirs/$WINDOW symlink, created by bashrc, points to) and then call our shell. When this is combined with the HISTFILE change, the effect is that screen -c ~/.screenrc.save brings us back into a screen session that has not only all of our previous windows and their titles, but also a shell in each window’s previous working directory, and that window’s history.


  1. I should’ve also used $STY in each of the paths, so this would be multi-session-safe. I didn’t, so this has undefined behavior if more than one screen session is running as your user.
  2. A lot of this is lost, obviously, if you sudo su or ssh, or in any other way end up as a different user.
  3. I’m thinking about rolling in some method of automatic virtualenv activation (since it, unfortunately, doesn’t have anything like .rvmrc). Maybe in the next version.


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