I’ve been configuring Apache httpd for over a decade, from a single personal web server to web farms running thousands of vhosts. In most of the “real” environments I’ve worked in, we’ve had some variation of production, stage/test/QA and development hosts; and usually some method of managing configurations between them, whether it’s source control or generating them from template. And in all of these environments, there has invariably been drift between the configurations in the various environments, whether it’s because of poor tools to maintain a unified configuration or many of those emergency redirect requests that make it into production but are never backported. This is made all the worse because everywhere I’ve worked, the real difference between what production and other environments should be is really just a string replacement in Apache configurations - /prod/ to /test/ or www.example.com to www.dev.example.com or something along those lines.

Well a few days ago I was having a discussion with some co-workers that dovetailed into this topic, and when I started some research, I found (finally after using httpd for years) that the Apache httpd 2.2 configuration file syntax documentation states that httpd supports environment variable interpolation anywhere in the config files (and httpd 2.4 supports it with Defines as well).

Yup, that’s right. All those different Apache configs I’ve worked with for years that define separate vhosts, document roots, rewrite targets, ServerAliases, etc. for www.example.com and www.qa.example.com and www.dev.example.com really only had to be www.${ENV_URL_PART}example.com, and set ENV_URL_PART in the init script or sysconfig file. (Of course this all assumes that you have your different environments served by different httpd instances, which you do, of course…)

For me, this is a very big deal. It means that finally, instead of maintaining separate sets of configs for different environments which are (theoretically, except for those emergencies) kept identical by hand, or updating templates and then re-generating each environment’s configs, we can finally follow the same commit/merge/promotion-between-environments workflow that we use for other production code and Puppet configuration. It also means that those pesky little rewrites and other minor tweaks will make it all the way back to development environments.

So, here’s a little example of how this would work in reality. Let’s assume that we have 3 main environments, prod, qa and dev (though this should work for N environments) and that domains are prefixed with “qa.” or “dev.” for the respective internal environments. We set environment variables before httpd is started, on a per-host basis, depending on what environment that host is in. On RedHat based systems, we’d add the variables to /etc/sysconfig/httpd for production:

export HTTPD_ENV_NAME="prod"

or for QA:

export HTTPD_ENV_NAME="qa"
export HTTPD_ENV_URL_PART="qa."

Those variables will now be available to httpd within the configurations (and also to any applications or scripts that have access to the web server’s environment variables).

Now let’s look at an example vhost configuration file that uses the environment variables:

ServerName example.com
ServerAlias www.example.com
# Aliases including proper environment name
ServerAlias www.${HTTPD_ENV_NAME}.example.com ${HTTPD_ENV_NAME}.example.com

ErrorLog /var/log/httpd/example.com-error_log
CustomLog /var/log/httpd/example.com-access_log combined

DocumentRoot /sites/example.com/${HTTPD_ENV_NAME}/

# Environment-specific configuration, if we absolutely need it:
Include /etc/httpd/sites/${HTTPD_ENV_NAME}/env.conf

RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule /foobar/.* http://www.${HTTPD_ENV_URL_PART}example.com/baz/ [R=302,L]

Every instance of ${HTTPD_ENV_NAME} will be replaced with the value set in the sysconfig file, and likewise with every instance of ${HTTPD_ENV_URL_PART}. This way, we can have one set of configurations and use our normal source control branch/promotion process to both test and promote changes through the environments along with application code, and ensure that any straight-to-production emergency changes (everyone has customer-ordered rewrites like that, right?) make it back to development and qa.

One caveat is that, if the environment variable is not defined, the ${VAR_NAME} will be left as a literal string in the configuration file. There doesn’t seem to be any way to protect against this in httpd 2.2, other than making sure the variables are set before the server starts (and maybe setting logical default values, like an empty string, in your init script which should be overridden by the sysconfig file).

If you’re running httpd 2.4+, you can turn on mod_info and browse to http://servername/server-info?config to dump the current configuration, which will show the variable substitution.


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