Lately I’ve been playing around with the VMWare vSphere SDK for Perl, since the new job uses a bunch of VMWare stuff (and I’ve been starting my foray into Perl as a new language, and am amazed by the massive number of modules out there). As much as I find yum limiting having used zypper on OpenSuSE, I’m not much of a fan of non-natively-packaged software. Not only is it more difficult to maintain and upgrade a system and nearly impossible to nicely automate when building from source (or a proprietary installer script), it’s also much more difficult to transition from a development environment to production.

In a quick search, I found a perfectly working spec file and some RHEL/Cent-specific patches (and even beginner-level rpmbuild instructions) for the current 5.0.0-422456 VMWare CLI and Perl SDK for x86_64 at Many thanks to Vaughan Whitteron of NSW in Australia for posting this! It built and installed without any problems on my Fedora 16 desktop, and a CentOS 6.2 development box.


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